Sunday 2 September 2007

The task in hand

This is what someone did to our new wedding shop down by the old midden. Vomit and broken glass in the town centre, graffiti, litter and urine in the stairway of the ferry terminal, fly-tipping in the car park, aggression and foul language on the tourist train and on the country bus. Used condoms hanging from the tree in the school garden. Broken bottles of Buckfast around the War Memorial.....I could go on.

These are some of the problems facing the development company in driving forward its goals and objectives relative to securing the regeneration of the Lower Bannock area. We are worried that a number of delivery vehicles have been spotted by the Boys Brigade in the vicinity of the former Police Station.

In the words of the famous town planner Melvin Kurray, "They will know me although I do not know them." It seems likely that the drivers of these delivery vehicles know perfectly well who they are dealing with although we, Auchterness Regeneration Single Enterprise (ARSE), do not know them at present.